Year: 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019
- [PAM-24] Wang, Chao and Finamore, Alessandro and Pietro, Michiardi and Gallo, Massimo and Rossi, Dario, "Data Augmentation for Traffic Classification" Passive and Active Measurements (PAM) 2024, Conference Runner-up arXiv
- [CoNEXT-24] Azorin, Raphael and Monterubbiano, Andrea and Castellano, Gabriele and Gallo, Massimo and Pontarelli, Salvatore and Rossi, Dario, "Taming the Elephants: Affordable Flow Length Prediction in the Data Plane" In Proc. of CoNEXT’24 (PACMNET)., 2024, DOI 10.1145/3649473 Journal
- [COMNET-24] Cerasuolo, Francesco and Nascita, Alfredo and Bovenzi, Giampaolo and Aceto, Giuseppe and Ciuonzo, Domenico and Pescapè, Antonio and Rossi, Dario, "MEMENTO: A novel approach for class incremental learning of encrypted traffic" In Computer Networks, pp.110374, 2024, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2024.110374 Journal
- [CoNEXT-23a] Monterubbiano, Andrea and Azorin, Raphael and Castellano, Gabriele and Gallo, Massimo and Pontarelli, Salvatore and Rossi, Dario, "SPADA: A Sparse Approximate Data Structure representation for data plane per-flow monitoring" ACM CoNEXT dec. 2023, Conference
- [CoNEXT-23b] Huet, Alexis and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Navarro, Jose Manuel and Chen, Fuxing and Rossi, Dario, "Change Point Detection in WLANs with Random AP Forests" ACM CoNEXT dec. 2023, Conference
- [CoNEXT-23c] Wang, Chao and Finamore, Alessandro and Gallo, Massimo and Michiardi, Pietro and Rossi, Dario, "Toward Generative Data Augmentation for Traffic Classification" ACM CoNEXT, Student Workshop dec. 2023, Conference
- [CoNEXT-23d] Monterubbiano, Andrea and Azorin, Raphael and Castellano, Gabriele and Gallo, Massimo and Pontarelli, Salvatore and Rossi, Dario, "Memory-efficient Random Forests in FPGA SmartNICs" ACM CoNEXT, Poster session dec. 2023, Conference
- [ICDM-23] Kong, Lanfang and Huet, Alexis and Rossim, Dario and Sozio, Mauro, "Tree-based Kendall’s τ Maximization for Explainable Unsupervised Anomaly Detection" IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) dec. 2023, Conference
- [IMC-23] Finamore, Alessandro and Wang, Chao and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Navarro, Jose M. and Chen, Fuxing and Rossi, Dario, "Replicating: Contrastive Learning and Data Augmentation in Traffic Classification Using a Flowpic Input Representation" ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2023, Conference arXiv
- [arXiv:2302.10676] Krolikowski, Jonatan and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "User-aware WLAN Transmit Power Control in the Wild" 2023,
- [TNSM-23b] Bovenzi, Giampaolo and Nascita, Alfredo and Yang, Lixuan and Finamore, Alessandro and Aceto, Giuseppe and Ciuonzo, Domenico and Pescapé, Antonio and Rossi, Dario, "Benchmarking Class Incremental Learning in Deep Learning Traffic Classification" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. , No. , pp.1-1, 2023, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3287430 Journal
- [TOIT-23] Gioacchini, Luca and Vassio, Luca and Mellia, Marco and Drago, Idilio and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "i-DarkVec: Incremental Embeddings for Darknet Traffic Analysis" In ACM Trans. Internet Technol., Vol. 23, No. 3, aug. 2023, DOI 10.1145/3595378 Journal
- [TNSM-23] Soro, Francesca and Favale, Thomas and Giordano, Danilo and Drago, Idilio and Rescio, Tommaso and Mellia, Marco and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "Enlightening the Darknets: Augmenting Darknet Visibility with Active Probes" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.5012-5025, 2023, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3267671 Journal
- [ENTROPY-23] Franzese, Giulio and Rossi, Simone and Yang, Lixuan and Finamore, Alessandro and Rossi, Dario and Filippone, Maurizio and Michiardi, Pietro, "How Much Is Enough? A Study on Diffusion Times in Score-Based Generative Models" In Entropy, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2023, DOI 10.3390/e25040633 Journal
- [AutoML-23] Navarro, Jose Manuel and Huet, Alexis and Rossi, Dario, "Meta-Learning for Fast Model Recommendation in Unsupervised Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection" AutoML Conference 2023, Conference Data
- [KDD-23] Fauvel, Kevin and Chen, Fuxing and Rossi, Dario, "A Lightweight, Efficient and Explainable-by-Design Convolutional Neural Network for Internet Traffic Classification" ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’23) aug. 2023, Conference arXiv
- [TMA-23] Guarino, Idio and Wang, Chao and Finamore, Alessandro and Pescape, Antonio and Rossi, Dario, "Many or Few Samples? Comparing Transfer, Contrastive and Meta-Learning in Encrypted Traffic Classification" Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) 2023, DOI 10.23919/TMA58422.2023.10198965 Conference arXiv
- [AAAI-23-PDL] Azorin, Raphael and Gallo, Massimo and Finamore, Alessandro and Rossi, Dario and Michiardi, Pietro, ""It’s a Match!" – A Benchmark of Task Affinity Scores for Joint Learning" AAAI’23, International Workshop on Practical Deep Learning in the Wild feb. 2023, Conference arXiv
- [COMMAG-23] Iacoboaiea, Ovidiu and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "From Design to Deployment of Zero-touch Deep Reinforcement Learning WLANs" In IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 61, feb. 2023, DOI 10.1109/MCOM.002.2200318 Journal arXiv
- [CoNEXT-NNI-22a] Boffa, Matteo and Vassio, Luca and Drago, Idilio and Mellia, Marco and Milan, Giulia and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "On Using Pretext Tasks to Learn Representations from Network Logs" ACM CoNext workshop on Native Network Intelligence (NNI) dec. 2022, Conference
- [CoNEXT-NNI-22b] Rossi, Dario and Liang, Zhang, "Native Network Intelligence, Fast and Slow" ACM CoNext workshop on Native Network Intelligence (NNI) dec. 2022, Conference
- [CoNEXT-GNN-22] Fernandes, Danilo Marinho and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Houidi, Zied Ben and Chen, Fuxing and Rossi, Dario, "Cross-network transferable neural models for WLAN interference estimation" ACM CoNext workshop on Graph Neural Networks (GNN) dec. 2022, Conference
- [AICCSA-22] Nesic, Stefan and Putina, Andrian and Bahri, Maroua and Huet, Alexis and Navarro, Jose Manuel and Rossi, Dario and Sozio, Mauro, "StreamRHF: Tree-based unsupervised anomaly detection for data streams" 19th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2022) dec. 2022, Conference
- [ComNet-22] Navarro, Jose Manuel and Huet, Alexis and Rossi, Dario, "Human readable network troubleshooting based on anomaly detection and feature scoring" nov. 2022, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2022.109447 Tech.Rep. arXiv
- [HotNets-22] Houidi, Zied Ben and Azorin, Raphael and Gallo, Massimo and Finamore, Alessandro and Rossi, Dario, "Towards a systematic multi-modal representation learning for network data" ACM HotNets nov. 2022, Conference
- [TNSM-22] Rossi, Dario and Zhang, Liang, "Landing AI on Networks: An equipment vendor viewpoint on Autonomous Driving Networks" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 19, sep. 2022, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2022.3169988 Journal arXiv
- [ITC-22] Navarro, Jose Manuel and Huet, Alexis and Rossi, Dario, "Rare Yet Popular: Evidence and Implications from Anomaly Detection Datasets" International Teletraffic Congress (ITC34) sep. 2022, Conference arXiv
- [ComCom-22] Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "Neural language models for network configuration: Opportunities and reality check" In Elsevier Computer Communication, pp.Pages 118-125, sep. 2022, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2022.06.035 Journal arXiv
- [SIGMETRICS-PEVA-22] Roberts, James and Rossi, Dario, "Size-Based Scheduling vs Fairness for Datacenter Flows: A Queuing Perspective" In ACM SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., Vol. 50, No. 2, sep. 2022, Journal arXiv
- [KDD-22] Huet, Alexis and Navarro, Jose Manuel and Rossi, Dario, "Local Evaluation of Time Series Anomaly Detection Algorithms" ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD) aug. 2022, Conference arXiv
- [SIGCOMM-CCR-22] Wang, Chao and Finamore, Alessandro and Yang, Lixuan and Fauvel, Kevin and Rossi, Dario, "AppClassNet: A commercial-grade dataset for application identification research" In ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 52, jul. 2022, DOI https://doi.org/10.1145/3561954.3561958 Journal Data
- [INFOCOM-22] Finamore, Alessandro and Roberts, James and Gallo, Massimo and Rossi, Dario, "Accelerating Deep Learning Classification with Error-controlled Approximate-key Caching" IEEE INFOCOM may. 2022, Conference arXiv
- [AAAI-22] Boffa, Matteo and Houidi, Zied Ben and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Rossi, Dario, "Neural combinatorial optimization beyond the TSP: Existing architectures under-represent graph structure" AAAI workshop on Graphs and more complex structures for learning and reasoning (GLCR’22) 2022, Conference arXiv
- [CoNEXT-21a] Gioacchini, Luca and Vassio, Luca and Mellia, Marco and Drago, Idilio and Ben Houidi, Zied and Rossi, Dario, "DarkVec: Automatic Analysis of Darknet Traffic with Word Embeddings" ACM CoNEXT, Runner-up for best paper award dec. 2021, Conference Runner-up
- [CoNEXT-21b] Azorin, Raphael and Gallo, Massimo and Finamore, Alessandro and Filippone, Maurizio and Michiardi, Pietro and Rossi, Dario, "Towards a Generic Deep Learning Pipeline for Traffic Measurements" ACM CoNEXT, Student Workshop dec. 2021, Conference
- [SEC-21] Gallo, Massimo and Finamore, Alessandro and Simon, Gwendal and Rossi, Dario, "FENXI: Fast In-Network Analytics" IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC) dec. 2021, Conference arXiv
- [TNSM-21b] Yang, Lixuan and Finamore, Alessandro and Feng, Jun and Rossi, Dario, "Deep Learning and Zero-Day Traffic Classification: Lessons learned from a commercial-grade dataset" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.4103–4118, dec. 2021, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3122940 Journal arXiv
- [TMA-21] Bovenzi, Giampaolo and Yang, Lixuan and Finamore, Alessandro and Aceto, Giuseppe and Ciuonzo, Domenico and Pescape, Antonio and Rossi, Dario, "A First Look at Class Incremental Learning in Deep Learning Mobile Traffic" IFIP Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) sep. 2021, Conference
- [NETWORKING-21] Iacoboaiea, Ovidiu and Krolikowski, Jonatan and Ben Houidi, Zied and Rossi, Dario, "Real-Time Channel Management in WLANs: Deep Reinforcement Learning Versus Heuristics" IFIP Networking jun. 2021, Conference
- [ICML-UDL-21] Yang, Lixuan and Rossi, Dario, "Thinkback: Task Specific Out-of-Distribution Detection" International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning (UDL) 2021 jun. 2021, Conference arXiv
- [INFOCOM-21] Krolikowski, Jonatan and Iacoboaiea, Ovidiu and Houidi, Zied Ben and Rossi, Dario, "WiFi Dynoscope: Interpretable Real-Time WLAN Optimization" IEEE INFOCOM, Demo session may. 2021, DOI Conference
- [TNSM-21a] Huet, Alexis and Saverimoutou, Antoine and Houidi, Zied Ben and Shi, Hao and Cai, Shengming and Xu, Jinchun and Mathieu, Bertrand and Rossi, Dario, "Deployable models for approximating web QoE metrics from encrypted traffic" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, pp.839-854, mar. 2021, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2020.3037019 Journal
- [NETMAG-21] Yang, Lixuan and and Dario Rossi, "Quality monitoring and assessment of deployed Deep Learning models for Network AIOps" In IEEE Network Magazine,, pp.84-90, nov. 2021, DOI 10.1109/MNET.001.2100227 Journal
- [ICDM-20] Putina, Andrian and Sozio, Mauro and Navarro, Jose M. and Rossi, Dario, "Random Histogram Forest for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection" 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) nov. 2020, DOI Conference
- [CNSM-20a] Wassermann, Sarah and Casas, Pedro and Houidi, Zied Ben and Huet, Alexis and Seufert, Michael and Wehner, Nikolas and Schuler, Joshua and Cai, Sheng-Ming and Shi, Hao and Xu, Jinchun and Hossfeld, Tobias and Rossi, Dario, "Are you on Mobile or Desktop? On the Impact of End-User Device on Web QoE Inference from Encrypted Traffic" IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) nov. 2020, DOI Conference
- [CNSM-20b] Huet, Alexis and Houidi, Zied Ben and Mathieu, Bertrand and Rossi, Dario, "Detecting Degradation of Web Browsing Quality of Experience (QoE)" IEEE International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) nov. 2020, DOI Conference
- [TNSM-20b] Putina, Andrian and Rossi, Dario, "Online anomaly detection leveraging stream-based clustering and real-time telemetry" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.–, nov. 2020, DOI 110.1109/TNSM.2020.3037019 Journal
- [ITC-20] Navarro, Jose M. and Rossi, Dario, "HURRA! Human readable router anomaly detection" sep. 2020, DOI Award arXiv
- [SIGCOMM-20] Gallo, Massimo and Finamore, Alessandro and Simon, Gwendal and Rossi, Dario, "Real-time Deep Learning based Traffic Analytics" ACM SIGCOMM, Demo session aug. 2020, DOI Conference
- [INFOCOM-20a] Navarro, Jose Manuel and Rossi, Dario, "HURRA: Human-Readable Router Anomaly Detection" IEEE INFOCOM, Demo session jul. 2020, DOI Conference
- [INFOCOM-20b] Beliard, Cedric and Finamore, Alessandro and Rossi, Dario, "Opening the Deep Pandora Box: Explainable Traffic Classification" IEEE INFOCOM, Demo session jul. 2020, DOI Conference
- [INFOCOM-20c] Sviridov, German and Beliard, Cedric and Simon, Gwendal and Bianco, Andrea and Giaccone, Paolo and Rossi, Dario, "Leveraging AI players for QoE estimation in cloud gaming" IEEE INFOCOM, Demo session jul. 2020, DOI Conference
- [INFOCOM-20d] , "Removing human players from the loop: AI-assisted assessment of Gaming QoE" IEEE INFOCOM, Workshop on Network Intelligence jul. 2020, Conference
- [TNSM-20a] Salutari, F. and Da Hora, D. and Dubuc, G. and Rossi, D., "Analyzing Wikipedia Users’ Perceived Quality Of Experience: A Large-Scale Study" In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.1082–1095, jun. 2020, DOI 10.1109/TNSM.2020.2978685 Journal
- [NETWORKING-20] Huet, Alexis and Saverimoutou, Antoine and Houidi, Zied Ben and Hao Shi, Shengming Cai and Xu, Jinchun and Mathieu, Bertrand and Rossi, Dario, "Revealing QoE of Web Users from Encrypted Network Traffic" IFIP Networking jun. 2020, Conference
- [MedComNet-20] Salutari, Flavia and Varvello, Matteo and Teixeira, Renata and Christophides, Vassilis and Rossi, Dario and Hora, Diego Da, "Implications of User Perceived Page Load Time Multi-Modality on Web QoE Measurement" MedComNet jun. 2020, DOI Conference
- [IJCAIFL-20] Yang, Lixuan and Beliard, Cedric and Rossi, Dario, "Heterogeneous Data-Aware Federated Learning" International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Workshop on Federated Learning sep. 2020, DOI Conference arXiv
- [WWW-19] Salutari, Flavia and Hora, Diego Da and Dubuc, Gilles and Rossi, Dario, "A large-scale study of Wikipedia users’ Quality of Experience" The Web Conference (WWW’19) may. 2019, Conference Data
- [INFOCOM-19b] Huet, Alexis and Rossi, Dario, "Explaining Web users’ QoE with Factorization Machines" IEEE INFOCOM apr. 2019, Conference Demo
- [SIGCOMM-19] , "Web Quality of Experience from Encrypted Packets" ACM SIGCOMM, Demo Session 2019, Conference Demo